BW2046 is a Hong Kong-based self-media and content creator with the associated website www.bw2046.com and YouTube channel @bw2046 / @bw2046bw and various social media as well.
The channel is well received by netizens from all over the world. As of September 2023, the number of views has exceeded 117 million! And the number of subscribers has exceeded 200,000, which is the highest of its kind in Hong Kong. Even in Asia, the channel also ranked in the forefront. And thank you for netizens' support, the channel won the "YouTube Silver Creator Award".
The website bw2046 is also eligible for Google Ads as well.

# https://socialblade.com/youtube/top/country/hk/mostviewed as at 27/04/2019
BW2046 是一個以香港為基地的頻道及自媒体, 網站為 www.bw2046.com, 內容主要是分享公開活動, 特別是大型展會及車展活動中的名人及模特兒動態, 而拍攝地域包括中港台韓日台等各東南亞地區。
BW2046 頻道深受世界各地網民歡迎, 截至2023年8月, 點擊次數超過一億萬次! 而訂户人數超過20萬人, 為同類香港頻道之冠, 在亞洲區亦排名前列, 並獲得 "YouTube白銀創作者獎"之殊榮。 而網站亦得到 Google Ads 廣告認証許可。