Model : 조인영 Jo In Young
2018 서울오토살롱 2018 首爾改裝車展 2018 Seoul Auto Salon 2018 ソウルオートサロン
Seoul Auto Salon is the largest and representative auto aftermarket exhibition in Korea that supports the desire of all tuning people as a big show and provides a business opportunity and communication channel.
The show features a variety of devices such as performance and dress up tuning parts, car accessories, interior and exterior care products, tuning shops and services, and black box and car audio.
Event : 서울오토살롱2018︱首爾改裝車展 2018︱Seoul Auto Salon 2018 Dates : 19th-22th, July 2018 Time : 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Venue : COEX Hall C & D, Seoul, Korea